Getting a Job Has Very Little to do With Keeping a Job
As a new employee you want to shine from Day #1. You begin to establish a reputation almost immediately, so you want the people you work with and for to describe you as follows:
Dedicated and passionate about your work
A hard worker who is always willing to put forth your best effort
Looks for solutions to problems, doesn't just identify problems
Someone who thinks outside the box to come up with practical new ways of accomplishing things
A loyal employee who is concerned with helping others and supporting the goals of the organization
Someone who leads by example
A good person to know and work with
To get this reputation the new employee should focus on key skills like the following...
Going the extra mile for your employer and your customer
Being a great Team Player
Readily adapting to the company culture
Offering ideas and solutions to issues that your "fresh eyes" may uncover (use caution with this one, you don't want to come across as a "know it all")
Valuing the opinion of others
Learning new things, asking questions and taking on new projects
Responding well to constructive feedback
Staying focused on mastering company processes and procedures